Prepare for impact. The worst day of the world for all crypto degens is approaching, Tax Day.

Step 1. Take a chance

By not paying any taxes. Who knows what'll happen.

Step 2. Fuck Around

Fuck around and find out what happens when you don't pay taxes

Step 3. ??



But then again, it's our right to not pay taxes, right?

Everything is uncertain. As a crypto trader, it’s an extra amout of stress having all that money and not knowing if you have or want to pay the taxes.

We can help you!

Simply join the Tax Fraud group and pump your bags as much as possible. After that, simply HOLD. If nobody sells, $TAX will go through the roof and everyone will be rich. On paper. Second phase (after we reach $1bil MC) is to figure out how to enforce the Tax Fraud gains so that everyone can easily cash out without having to pay taxes.

Want to take that chance?

Join the official Tax Fraud group because the day where all crypto hodlers are unsure if they are commiting Tax Fraud or not is nigh.

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Invest in Tax Fraud

Nothing bad will happen
Unless you don't do exactly what we say, you don't have to worry about anything.

Fuck the IRS, $TAX hodlers have paid their dues.

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Invest in Tax Fraud